Nothing is more important than your safety and well-being during any type of natural disaster.

Please work closely with your relationship team before and after the event, or call Commercial Banking client service at (866) 954-3718 if you need additional help.


UPDATE and send us your current contact information, including cell phone and email. Make sure you have your relationship team's office and cell phone numbers.

PRIORITIZE TRANSACTIONS and send us a list of time-sensitive or urgent, scheduled transactions (loan closings, M&A closings, etc.) so we can help coordinate completion.


CONTACT your relationship team or Commercial Banking client service for help processing payroll files or other transactions.

PREPARE AND SUBMIT payroll/ACH/wire payment files, as well as Positive Pay check issuance files, as early as possible. Establish alternatives for distributing payroll checks.

PLAN FOR CREDIT NEEDS by requesting increases to Commercial Card limits, expanding Merchant Category Code groups, and checking your account status.

BE ALERT FOR CYBERFRAUD in the aftermath of a natural disaster including emails requesting donations to fake charities, phishing schemes and malware.

CONFIRM REMOTE ACCESS and make sure key employees have their RSA SecurID® tokens with them. Test the tokens on your systems—in your office and at home—before you may be forced to evacuate or close temporarily. Please contact us immediately if you need a new/replacement token. Typically, tokens are sent to the Security Administrator's address on file.

PLAN FOR CASH NEEDS by having sufficient cash on hand so you are ready when your business reopens. Remember, banks and ATMs may be closed or unavailable due to power outages. Avoid placing deposits in branch night drops because they may become damaged.

CHECK the branch locator on the Chase Mobile app and locator.chase.com for the latest information. We will reopen impacted branches as quickly as possible.

AVOID placing deposits in branch night drops that could have been damaged until it is confirmed they are safe to collect deposits.